Inhabit Your
Authentic Excellence
with Cyclical Alignment Coaching

6 sessions over 6 months

When was the last time an idea came to fruition in a way you were really proud of?

Are you endlessly spinning your wheels trying to force inspiration on a rigid schedule? No matter how hard you try to cram more into your days, do you often end up feeling burned out and unfulfilled?

There's another way. 

Tap into your deepest creative power and accomplish your goals without brutalising yourself along the way.

Cyclical Alignment Coaching is a customised 1:1 programme designed to help you unlock your creative brilliance and embrace your excellence by following your own flow.

Stop paddling upstream. Break free of linear thinking and the exhausting cycle of burnout. It's time to thrive in tune with your natural energy flows.

Together we'll craft a coaching journey tailored to your unique goals, priorities, and cycles so you can flourish. You'll learn to structure your time, care for yourself, and complete projects in sync with your own rhythms. Get personalised guidance to integrate rest, reflection, and rejuvenation alongside purposeful action. 

Unlock the Wisdom of Your Cycles

What would it feel like to live in tune with your rhythms, the seasons, and the inherent aliveness of your creative projects.

This is cyclical living.

As the world around us pushes linear thinking and rigid schedules, it's time to discover the wisdom and power of your cyclical nature.

When you live cyclically, you:

  • Structure Your Time for Peak Energy: Harness your peak energy times for focused tasks and save lower-energy periods for restoration.

  • Complete Projects with Transition Cycles: Align project completions with natural transition phases to boost sustainable productivity so you're not continuing to invest unnecessary energy.

  • Balance Active and Rest Phases: Make space for all cycle phases, nurturing both your active and reflective states.

  • Find Pleasure in Endings: Take pleasure in wrapping up tasks and gradually transitioning to a slower pace.

is this you?

Cyclical Alignment Coaching is designed for driven, purpose-oriented individuals who want to achieve their goals and live to their fullest potential without burning out.

It’s for creators, authors, coaches and solopreneurs who are tired of the vicious cycle between overdoing, burning out, underdoing, and never feeling quite good enough.

It's for recovering perfectionists, control freaks and overachievers who struggle with:

  • Feeling trapped between being overly busy and procrastinating

  • Trying to do everything "right" but never quite feeling good enough

  • Wanting to make progress but meeting it with overwhelm and burnout

  • Holding big dreams that their inner critic tears apart

  • Getting stuck overthinking without taking action

Dream into a world

What it would be like for you to:

  • Create order out of chaos in a structure that feels good

  • Become more aware of your body and what it communicates

  • Make confident decisions aligned with your intuition and values

  • Find balance between action and rest

  • Get unstuck from overthinking and into aligned action

  • Relieve those pernicious perfectionistic tendencies

  • Develop more self-trust and resilience?

The Benefits of Cyclical Alignment

  • Renewed energy and resilience

  • Enhanced mental clarity and focus

  • Improved work-life balance

  • Avoiding stress, fatigue, and burnout

  • Deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment

This holistic approach helps you thrive personally and professionally by working with, not against, your cycles.

  • Heightened creativity and inspiration

  • More joy and vitality day-to-day

  • Natural productivity and results

  • Progress towards goals without sacrificing your soul

  • Sense of harmony and balance across different aspects of your life.

How It Works

Cyclical Alignment Coaching is a customised 6-month 1:1 programme based on the cyclical living model to help you:

  • Identify your unique cycles and rhythms

  • Master your energy levels, focus time, and self-care

  • Align projects and goals around your natural productivity patterns

  • Dynamically balance work, rest, creativity, and connection

  • Avoid burnout and find flow throughout all four seasons of life and work.


What's Included

  • Personalised Coaching Sessions: 1:1 sessions are tailored to your unique needs and goals. Together, we'll explore the embodied and cyclical strategies that enhance holistic wellbeing, sustainable productivity, and authentic living.

  • Customised Tools and Exercises: Receive actionable steps to weave cyclical living principles into your daily life, career, and relationships. These tailored tools empower you to integrate cyclical living long after our coaching journey.

  • Ongoing Support: Stay connected and motivated with regular check-ins, resources, and tools. As you embark on this transformative journey, I'll be your steadfast companion, guiding you every step of the way.

  • Unlimited cheerleading and someone to call you out with care: Sometimes you need someone to remind you of your excellence and celebrate your wins. Sometimes you need someone to call out the bulls**t that's holding you back. I'll do both with love.


What You'll Gain

  • Customised Cyclical Strategy: Together, we'll craft a bespoke cyclical strategy that honours your unique energy patterns and empowers you to make the most of each phase. This strategy will guide your days, projects, and self-care routines, enhancing both your efficiency and joy.

  • Sustainable Productivity: Say goodbye to burnout as you harness the power of cyclical alignment. By working in harmony with your natural rhythms, you'll boost your productivity while still .

  • Holistic Wellbeing: Embrace the transformative impact of aligning with nature's cycles. Experience profound improvements in your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing as you embrace cyclical living.

  • Embodied Self-Care: Dive into the art of self-care tailored to each phase of your cycle. Discover the joy of nurturing yourself in ways that rejuvenate and empower you.

  • Authentic Living: Navigate life's transitions with authenticity and grace. Embrace the cyclical journey with curiosity and openness, fostering a profound sense of purpose and presence.


£600 one-time payment
Non-punitive payment plans are also available.

I care about who i work with

I work with a limited number of 1:1 clients so that I can walk my talk and invest in our coaching relationship. I only take on two new clients a month.
Will you be one of them?

and that’s not all…

You might be delighted to hear that I’m not going to abandon you after 6 months to figure it out by yourself.

Nor do I expect you to keep working with me forever.

That’s exactly the kind of all-or-nothing thinking this work helps us move away from.

Having created a solid foundation for your cyclical living practice, you have the option of continuing to meet together for a Seasonal Check-in once every three months. This ritual pays tribute to the bigger cycles at play in our lives and offers you space to pause, reflect and realign for the season ahead.

“The ultimate purpose of inquiry is that it allows us to pause.
In the space of a pause, truth can shine through.”

— Tara Brach

Ready to harness
the Power of Cyclical Living?

Unlock your potential by embarking on a coaching experience that will revolutionise your approach to life, work, and wellbeing. Say farewell to burnout and welcome a life that flourishes in harmony with your natural rhythms.

discover if Cyclical Alignment Coaching is your path to sustainable success and authentic excellence.


“Working with Vix has been nothing short of transformative.

She expertly guided me toward understanding and embracing my inner rhythms,
empowering me to navigate my creative journey with grace and resilience. Her compassionate
approach and practical tools and strategies helped me break free from the shackles of perfectionism
and burnout that once stifled my creative spirit. 

Through her intuitive coaching, I've been able to dissolve the barriers that once held me back, and instead, flourish in both my personal and professional life. This has helped me set time and energy boundaries in ways that feel truly revolutionary. I’m quick to catch burnout at it’s earliest stages and create time for plenty of rest and recovery (including creative rest).

Vix's wisdom has been invaluable in guiding me toward a more balanced and fulfilling way of living, working, and creating while staying attuned to my natural cycles and strengths.

By learning cyclical living principles, I have been better able to plan and support my creative projects by supporting my physical, emotional and energetic needs. Instead of hoping for the best, I now recognise that there is a cyclical blueprint underpinning my ability to set ‘Future Kelly’ up for success while respecting her bandwidth.

Within a few weeks of beginning our work, I was able to launch my podcast, which I had been wanting to do for two years. Instead of getting attached to the high of launching (and then burning out), I allowed myself to launch gradually by knowing that the real initiative was maintaining an ongoing podcast. As of this writing, I have created eight episodes over five months while also allowing myself to take restorative winter time off. I’m even supporting other early-stage podcasters and creatives get their projects off the ground keeping many of these same principles in mind.”

— Kelly Wilde Miller

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A: Coaching is virtual over Zoom from the comfort of your own home. We'll meet once a month, having agreed a regular day and time that works for us both.

  • A: I don’t make promise results because everyone’s situation is unique.

    Clients report increased energy, better work-life balance, feeling aligned with purpose.

    To see what people are saying about me and my coaching, head here.

  • A: Simply put, cyclical living is the practice of bringing more awareness to and then aligning with the rhythms and cycles within you and in the world around you, including your projects, meetings and conversations. If you're curious to know more, check out this blog post and this podcast.

  • A: This coaching is best suited to people who understand at least some of the basics and are struggling to integrate them in their lives. If you're new to this, I recommend starting with free e-books: Getting Started With Cyclical Living and Planning with the Seasons or watch my masterclass on Effortless Productivity.

  • A: Not at all. The first cycles I got interested in were my circadian rhythm and the flow of my week. I’ve sinced trained as a Menstruality Mentor and my cycles framework is very much informed by the wisdom of the menstrual cycle and my teachers at Red School. But these principles are applicable to any cycle so we can work with the seasons, the moon phases, or a creative project. Once you start to see the cyclical nature of the world, you’ll notice it everywhere! We’ll work with the cycles that are most resonant and important to you.

Why Me?

I’m a recovering perfectionist too. I’ve been there and got the t-shirt more than once. I’m on this journey too so I get the struggles. I understand how frustrating and confusing it can be to be told “just relax” and have no idea how to do that.

I’ve spent my fair share of times in high-stress environments - think conflict zones and boardrooms - and I’ve got it wrong way more times than my inner perfectionist cares to admit.

I’m not here to fix you, because you’re not broken.

Think of me like a sherpa - someone who’s climbed this mountain before, who can show you the way and help you carry the load.

But I won’t just share what worked for me, because you’re not me. I will support you to access your own wisdom within frameworks I’ve been studying and working with for the past 7 years as a certified coach, plus everything my previous careers in the military, international development, and inclusive leadership have taught me.