The leadership Lab

Listen More Deeply, Lead More Authentically,
Create Powerful Shared Experiences

A year-long mentoring circle - Closed until 2025

Are you a coach or facilitator who would like to create the opportunity for more depth, authenticity and vulnerability for your clients?

Would you like to be more confident in how you facilitate group shares following the exercises you guide?

Are you a leader who aspires to create deeper emotional connections and vulnerability in your work?

You want the people you work with to go deep, be authentic and feel safe enough to open up.

And in turn, therefore, so do YOU.

The leadership Lab is a year-long intimate mentoring circle
for coaches, leaders and facilitators ready to
elevate and deepen their Leadership and facilitation skills.

What You’ll Gain

  • Practical skills to hold trauma-sensitive space with compassion and warmth to complement your practice. So that more people feel safe to work with you for longer.

  • Specific techniques to actively listen, welcome all voices, and bridge differences. So that you attract a range of individuals and foster diverse experiences for all.

  • Confidence facilitating impactful and authentic group shares and discussions, leading with both clarity and gentleness. So that you are modelling the growth.

  • Leadership abilities to design shared experiences that foster trust and vulnerability. So that your people feel inspired by YOU to be agents of change themselves.

  • Deeper self-awareness and regulation of your nervous system - more trust and less self-doubt. So that you can show up more fully as a facilitator AND put yourself out there to grow your coaching business with more clarity, direction and confidence, feeling proud of what you offer.

  • Profound connection through relating exercises and peer support. Because you yourself are experiencing this, you are only a few steps ahead on the journey. You are the guide, not the hero. Your experience matters. 

We simply cannot do the best group work possible if we ourselves are not in a group. It is a mirror for us as to what is possible.

What It Includes 

Interactive Lessons
8 live classes to learn tools and skills of relational leadership and facilitation.

Community Connections
Buddy groups, sharing circles, and authentic relating games to experience deep connection.

Individual Mentorship
9 one-on-one calls to develop your unique strengths and unlock your blocks.

Hands-On Practice
8 sessions to hone your skills with supportive, practical feedback from peers and me.

Extensive Resources
Recordings, materials, and a private platform to support you in your learning journey.

Integration Time
Designated breaks to give you space to digest and rest so the learning is sustainable.


This course helped me get over my self doubts about my leadership.
I learned which areas are my strengths, and which areas I can improve on. There was a great mix of teaching and experiential learning, with a balance of support and challenge. Vix guided us masterfully and modelled the skills beautifully.
Highly recommended!

~ Ben Evans

This course has given me the confidence to take my facilitation out into the world.
I am a passionate and experienced 1:1 coach, but found myself over-preparing and overthinking when it came to leading longer sessions with groups. The support and feedback I received both from Vix and my peers on the course has been invaluable. The practice sessions allowed me to gently ease myself out of my comfort zone and even get a sense of my own style of doing things which feels really exciting. Vix shared her knowledge so generously and has been such a fabulous role model to follow when it comes to creating a warm, welcoming and safe space.
I'm leaving the year full of gratitude for this unique space.
The group has given me enough structure to learn and progress and enough space to explore. I have so appreciated sharing it with such a wonderful group and am excited to see what comes next for all of us.

~ Debbie Riley

Learning from Vix is an exceptional experience.
She embodies and practices everything she teaches in her facilitation of the group, which makes both learning and practicing easier and more enjoyable. I hugely appreciate being in groups that Vix is facilitating. Every part of me feels welcome there, and I am able to practice vulnerability and connecting with others in ways that feel genuine, meaningful and alive.
Learning how to facilitate relationally with Vix is an extension of this: you get to experience what it is like, learn what is being done, and have a go at practicing it yourself, all in the same space.

~ Jez Green

I am so grateful for the year I have spent in this training with Vix. It has changed how I show up in my business and my personal life. 
The Leadership Lab revealed some blind spots about myself and taught me the importance of the relational space in my work as a chiropractor, coach and business owner.
For such a long time I have had the intention of offering group coaching sessions, but my perfectionist streak has always limited me at the ‘needing to learn just a bit more first’. This course satisfied my need for the theory but most importantly a safe space to take action. The practice sessions were invaluable for learning to receive and offer feedback in a small group of like-minded people.

~ Clare Cullen

Who’s It For

Coaches, leaders and facilitators who are:

  • Feeling pressure to perfectly manage every moment and every participant's experience - if someone’s not having a “good” time, that’s on you, right?

  • Lurching between being overly strict or not assertive enough in your facilitation style - there is a balance between bossy and fabric softener.

  • Cramming too much content into workshops - you’ve got to prove you’re the expert, don’t you?

  • Lacking clarity and specificity in your instructions and communication - I know you want people to like you.

  • Feeling confident only when you're thoroughly (let’s face it - over) prepared and in your comfort zone - it’s difficult to let go of your plan and be fully present and responsive.

  • Judging yourself as not experienced enough or good enough - hello, recovering perfectionists 👋

  • Feeling scared to go ‘edgy’ places or more vulnerable topics - what if there’s conflict or someone has a “bad” experience?

You’re frustrated and know you can do and help more.

You aspire to create deeper emotional connections and you’re always willing to grow and inspire yourself.

You are in the right place.

Don’t doubt yourself. But DO know that you can’t do this alone.
If you are in the business of supporting groups, then YOU YOURSELF need just that support.

The Leadership Lab is a place where you get to practice being more of yourself so you can show up more authentically and more confidently for your clients. You can only lead others where you have already adventured. Through a blend of skills training, mentoring and community support, you'll gain greater adaptability, confidence and the ability to facilitate nourishing experiences for yourself and others.

Payment Options

  • 12 monthly payments of £200

  • 4 quarterly payments of £550

  • £2000 upfront payment

Alternative payment plans are possible as are concession places.


The programme takes place over 12 months, starting in January 2024. We will meet twice a month with breaks over April, August and December.

All the group calls are recorded in case you can’t join live so you can review the material and feedback. 

The live calls will be on the first and third Thursday of the month at 09.30 UK time with an additional practice session each month at 00.00 UTC on the third Thursday (suitable for North American time zones).

How to Join

The Leadership Lab is born from my passion for facilitating vulnerable spaces after years of leading with my head. My approach provides structured safety and warm guidance to embody your inner wisdom as a leader.

This will be an intimate group experience for 6-8 people.

Please take a look at the information pack for details on how to apply.
After a short email application, we’ll have a brief chat to ensure we are a good fit and that I can indeed be useful to you.

ready to upgrade your skills?

the leadership lab will be back in 2025.

In the meantime, I offer 1:1 mentorship.
Email me to inquire.