Embodied Living

Resource. Reimagine. Rewild.

Uncertainty is inevitable, but feeling stuck isn't.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by a constant inner pressure to "figure it all out"
there's another way.

RE-Inhabit Your Excellence

Dare to dream about a life without the constant pressure to have it all figured out.
What would it be like if you could trust yourself through the inevitable ups and downs? 

It is possible.

With me, you'll get to:

  • Unravel the layers of perfectionism that might be holding you back and discover a more authentic way of being in the world.

  • Unplug from the pressure cooker and ditch the relentless hustle. Find your rhythm and create space for what truly matters.

  • Stop the self-doubt spiral. Your inner critic doesn’t have to run the show. Learn to work with it as an ally and harvest its wisdom.

  • Learn to trust your gut. You've got an incredible inner compass. Learn to tune into its wisdom so you can make decisions that feel aligned with what matters.

  • Unleash your inner badass. You've got incredible resilience and strength within you. Discover what authenticity really means and cultivate unshakable confidence so you can navigate challenges with grace.

  • Welcome the beautiful mess. Life is unpredictable and uncertainty is inevitable. Control might be an illusion but you do have agency. Learn to embrace life’s wild ride with a sense of adventure and maybe even have some fun along the way.  

This isn't about some quick fix or magic bullet. It's about creating lasting change that feels good so you can do good in your world, whether that’s in your closest relationships, your business, or the world at large. 

“The growth I’ve experienced working with Vix is exponential! Working with her has positively impacted every aspect of my life
- business, parenting, relationships, connection to myself and my body.”

– Debbie Lee

Hi, I’m Vix

I spent over 15 years chasing achievement, striving to feel good enough, in high-stress environments from war zones to boardrooms. I thought working for myself would be liberating. Instead, I found myself doubling down on the same perfectionist strategies that led me to burnout in my corporate job. 

I’m now an advocate for using the principles of somatic coaching, cyclical living and authentic relating, helping people like you manage your energy and emotions to bravely cultivate more sustainable and authentic ways of being. I’m passionate about helping people divest from the internalised oppression of perfectionism so that they can reconnect with themselves, with others and with the world around them.

The self-help industry has sold you a lie. You’re not broken and you don’t need fixing. My role is to be your guide, listener, sounding board and mirror. I’m here to support you to unlock your inner wisdom, nurture your innate resilience and expand your embodied range, so you can navigate the uncertainty of life with grace and confidence.

I’m also the author of Enough: An Imperfect Antidote to Perfectionism.

Unlock Your Potential

Craving a life that feels more vibrant and fulfilling? Here's how I can support you on your journey:


Feeling disconnected from yourself and others? Learn powerful practices to reconnect with your body, intuition, and core values. Explore my free e-books: Listen To Your Body As Well As Your Brain and Uncover Your Values or delve deeper with Authentic Relating courses.


Expand your window of capacity. Develop the tools and strategies you need to cultivate grace under fire. Start with my free guide to Centring when life knocks you off balance or check out my short self-study courses: Keeping It Together and Finding Calm.

Regenerative Rhythms

Ditch the burnout cycle and discover sustainable practices for fostering flow. Download my free e-books: Getting Started With Cyclical Living and Planning with the Seasons or explore my masterclass on Effortless Productivity.

Work with Me 1:1

Looking for personalised guidance and support?
My 1:1 cyclical alignment coaching package offers a tailored approach to help you unlock your creative brilliance and embrace your excellence by following your own flow.

Schedule a free consultation to discuss your needs and see if 1:1 coaching is right for you.

“Working with Vix transformed my life. She helped me open my eyes and mind to who I am and what I’m capable of. I feel I fully belong in all the roles in my life - founder, fiancee, friend, daughter, sister - and I’m able to show up in those different roles.
I can be truly present and fully me. I know who I am and it’s enough to be me.”

— Amanda Baker, Founder of 5 Stories

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