WHAT my clients SAY
I was finding it challenging to maintain a balance between the different areas of life. Vix helped me become more skilled in listening to my body and whole self and to find more of the balance I was seeking. I now have a stronger sense of integrating a range of approaches to a situation, including being able to have a lighter touch.
I absolutely love working with Vix. Her approach feels like a wonderful marriage between intuitive and pragmatic. I feel that in our sessions I really connect with my core and work from there.
I highly recommend working with Vix. She will listen with her whole self to your whole self. In her, you'll find a knowledgable and wise practitioner who will work with you with both kindness and an excellent BS radar!
— Rowena, Coach and Facilitator, Rowan Tree -
“Vix's experience and practice cover a huge spectrum from head to heart-based work and living. She encourages exploration of the whole person, enabling us to access all that we might be capable of.
I had been stuck in my head for a long time, missing out on body-based feeling and emotional literacy for both myself and my coaching clients. My sessions were often on the edge of my comfort zone - and rightly so! I also found them fun, revelatory and energising.
I’ve now incorporated embodied practices into my daily routines, which is allow me to respond to what my body is telling me in the moment in day-to-day life.”
— Jacqueline Hill, Leadership Coach and Change Mentor
“I have just finished a 6-month coaching package with Vix. I came to her with a desire to learn more about myself, how I am showing up in the world and to continue to explore my blind spots. I was not disappointed.
Vix has a powerful and gentle curiosity which often cut through my story to the insights and realisations that were there waiting for me.
The space that Vix creates, with a quiet, powerful, and grounding confidence, where I was challenged to allow and see things that I had not been fully able to allow or see before. On the other side of working with her, I am a more present father, patient partner, grounded friend and courageous coach.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I would highly recommend anyone looking for a coach to work with Vix.”
— Aaron Hill
From the burnout cycle to cyclical alignment
Read Kelly’s Story
“I was facing a career/life decision and I felt my always-logical approach wasn’t going to provide all the answers I needed. I knew I had to tap into a different source of internal intelligence. I was curious about trying a different approach and learning how to become more aware of my body response to unlock insights. I had already received coaching and experienced different modalities including mBit. mBit had been very helpful on similar questions before, it wasn’t a process that was always quickly accessible on my own and able to provide immediate feedback.
Through working with Vix, I became much more aware of my body and started to notice more things like where I was holding tension in certain situations or with certain people or simply how my posture would reflect the way I am feeling about something. I also learned how I can resort to my body and specific poses to get in the right frame of mind to face situations that require presence and confidence.
Vix is able to cut right through the noise to get to the heart of the issue. She was supportive and challenging in the right measure, and always listens and notices very attentively.
The tools and exercises she uses are simple yet very powerful and most importantly easily accessible in everyday life.”
— Sara P., Investment banker
“I was feeling pretty down when I booked a session with Vix. I was being self-critical and felt like I was good enough and that I wanted to hide. It was a combination of lockdown, going into winter, feeling like work wasn’t going very well, and worry about a relative’s mental health.
Our session had an immediate effect of lifting my mood and made me clearly see how changing my physical state can change my mental state. I’ve been using it with a relative to help when they're feeling anxious or down. Embodied coaching’s a very direct and effective way to change your mood and mental state. It can shift something that feels like it might take a long time to change, very quickly!”
— Andy Hix
“Vix will help you get your act together in a way that is right for you. Creating order out of chaos in a structure that feels good.”
- Emma McClelland, Director, Knitster LDN
“I wanted to work on connecting with myself. I have a history of cutting myself off from my felt experience and it is a continual point of learning for me. I’ve found therapy useful in the past but wanted to try something that paid more explicit attention to what was happening in my body in the present moment.
I was often surprised about how quickly we could go quite deep. I was surprised at how much I was ignoring my present experience despite wanting to do the work so much and being conscious about various patterns I have. I felt accepted and comfortable, again to the extent where I was surprised. All was welcome. I now have greater awareness of and respect for my body. I'm kinder to myself and have a stronger awareness of my ability to choose how I feel in any given circumstance.
Vix has had a profoundly positive impact on my life and would be welcoming of you and your situation wherever you're at.”
— Sophie Yates
“I had a great experience with Vix! She helped me understand where I want to go, and identify some of the roadblocks in my way. I have been feeling really stressed and overwhelmed with work and life, and sitting down to map out some of my goals and priorities with a coach was incredibly enlightening. I was able to work through my personal and professional goals and create a practical plan weekly to get to where I want to be. I really loved it!”
— Milena, Entrepreneur, Social Impact Investor and Gender Specialist
“I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with choices regarding going forward with a potential side hustle. Reading self-development books had got me so far but I needed some guidance and accountability!
My thoughts and aims are better organised and structured now. Vix really helped me boost my confidence and know I can use the power of the embodied poses to help get it back if it wanes.”
— Sam A, Health Care Professional
I hadn’t come across the idea of embodied coaching before so I wasn’t quite sure what it would be like. I didn't think I'd be very good at it, which I realise is probably even more of a reason to do it! I spend a lot of time in my head and I tend to think things through very deeply, maybe a little too much. I didn't feel in tune with my body. I didn't even notice what it was telling me or, if it was telling me something, I didn't know how to listen to it or interpret it as a potential source of information that I could make use of when I'm making the decision.
I’ve gained so much from working with Vix in a more embodied way. I now have a sense of trust in myself and in my body. It feels dramatic to say that I've never felt like that way before but it's true! I’m much more aware of what my body is telling me and more confident in following its guidance. That’s been helping me make better decisions and find more kindness towards myself. I trust myself to take a break when I need to, rather than forcing myself to do things no matter how I’m feeling. It feels corny to say, but I really feel like my authentic self is coming through. I feel liberated. I have this sense of self-acceptance and it feels easier to be myself, which has been a big shift for me and one I am very appreciative of.
— Debbie Lee
“I started working with Vix during a time when I was really depressed. Despite seeing a therapist and doing all I could to get better, things weren't changing. In the first session, Vix helped me connect with my core values, especially my value for beauty. I did the daily work she suggested and I noticed some big changes. The sadness, heaviness and dread that I hadn't been able to release, started to morph into a gentle acceptance, a light, transcendent flowing feeling, a hopeful playfulness. I was delighted when 3 people within the space of a week commented on the feeling of beauty they felt from me. I am so grateful.”
— Trudy A.
“Working with Vix transformed my life. She helped me open my eyes and mind to who I am and what I’m capable of. I feel I fully belong in all the roles in my life - founder, fiancee, friend, daughter, sister - and I’m able to show up in those different roles. I can be truly present and fully me. I know who I am and it’s enough to be me.”
— Amanda Baker, Founder of 5 Stories
“I was struggling to feel assertive at work. I had tried to be more conscious of my body language in meetings but things weren’t really changing. Vix really listened and explained how to make lasting changes. I already feel myself behaving differently and I have more energy and focus.”
— Lucie Pollard -
“I am much clearer on where the focus of my activity should be this year - and where I can afford to relax a little. Aside from the practical actions, Vix helped me realise where personally I need to make some changes so that my health and career can both flourish this year.”
— Katie, Civil Servant and Nutritional Therapist
“After being in structured employment (9-5) for nearly 20 years, I changed direction and launched a new business in the UK. I was incredibly excited to take this step but I was finding it hard to structure my days effectively. My work and personal life were merging into one and I wasn’t able to find a balance that was sustaining my energy to move through such a change in my life.
The way I approach my tasks and my weeks has completely changed. I now have structure and am able to balance my whole self, so I have enough energy for my own coaching clients. I came face-to-face with the anxieties I was feeling about having my own business. I was able to looker deeper inwards to understand how I was feeling and how to tackle that negative thinking. I feel much happier, energised and a lot more enthusiastic! As my energy and sense of balance has improved, I feel fully present in my own client sessions and I feel more confident running my own business. I am in a much more positive and healthy place and am ready to get cracking in my 2nd year of business.”
— Mamta Gera, Leadership Consultant & UK Founder @ The New Leadership
“When I met Vix, some of my major challenges included negative body image, lack of sufficient love, liking and acceptance of my own body. I've also struggled a lot to express myself through my own voice.
Since our coaching sessions, I have a more accepting and positive attitude towards my body which feels lovely. The opinion I have about my body shape now has softened and is less critical. I can allow myself to feel my body more and listen to what it is trying to communicate to me. The only regret I have is that I have not done such work earlier in my life.
I would recommend Vix to any of my friends. I truly enjoyed working with her and I respect her ability to take feedback, listen deeply to what her clients are saying, and connect with them in a dignified and warm way. Every session was such a unique, beautiful emotional experience.”
“Vix is incredibly insightful and empathetic. She is able to hold space with safety and warmth. She is a gently challenging guide through your experiences and concerns, enabling you to explore what's going on in your inner life in a real and impactful way. I felt encouraged in my explorations, and reassured that I couldn't somehow get it "wrong". It was a safe space in which to be honest and real.”
— Dan Simpson
Vix is for you if you are looking for a simple way to get out of your head and connect to yourself without too much talking. She also helped me identify quick exercises to bring my insights into my daily life.
— Jana Woltermann, Fluentbody Facilitator and Embodiment Coach
“Vix was my guardian angel. I was in a place of utmost helplessness and overwhelm. Her coaching helped me to find a place inside of myself where I touched upon truth, where I felt held, and where I can touch upon now, even in the process/place of not knowing my next steps. I experienced full acceptance of the state I was in and during the discovery process in the coaching. She guided me to find the solution inside of myself.
- Jutta, Germany
“A great way to explore resilience by spending 10 hours away from life, in practice and with a super supportive and enthusiastic facilitator Vix. Plus the added benefit of a community of like-minded people.”
— Sam A.
“This is a chance to have dedicated time to slow down and practice just being as you are in a supportive group of like-minded humans. I would have happily spent 3 hours of my Sunday doing this. I feel better equipped to explore my challenges further now.”
— K.
“Vix created a beautiful space for us all to feel comfortable sharing our insecurities and concerns. She felt very relatable and real to me, straight away sharing that she herself had been struggling lately and trying to do too much. We're all only human.”
— Mags, Advertising Manager
“Get It Done was all I hoped and way way more! I’ve had a long-standing obsession with planning, organising and spreadsheets, having tried numerous journals, apps and online software. This course allowed me to do away with all of that and get things done in a way that felt easy, simple and nourishing. One big win was a shift to focusing on all that I had done, rather than focusing on all I had yet to do! It allowed me to focus on the things that are truly meaningful to me. Vix is an awesome facilitator, and for me provided the ideal mix of structure and freedom that helped me really get the most out of what we were learning. I’d highly recommend this to anyone who is feeling challenged in getting things done in a way that feels good!”
— Debbie lee, business coach
— Chris Kenworthy, Transformative Coach and improviser
“Before Get It Done, my approach worked in a brute-force, functional sort of way, but it lacked heart and feeling. Something was missing from the way I got things done. Vix gave me the tools and encouragement I needed to create something more humane, that works with the whole of me, not just my brain.
More than just getting things done, I gained a new language, prompts and questions that help me navigate my state; moods and energy. I’m more aware of working with what’s available to me relative to my needs, instead of how I ‘should’ be. I can still be productive, just more gentle with my heart and body.
Like all the best kinds of learns, Vix’s course was full of realisations and ‘rememberings’ (a term I also learned on the course!). Stuff fell into place; like cycles that I sensed were there, yet lacked the language to describe and notice. Thanks to Vix I now have that. It’s not ephemeral, it’s real concrete practices I’ve integrated into my day-to-day practice.
There’s LOTS packed into this course. When stuff lands, it really lands - concepts and questions, all delicately and thoughtfully introduced by Vix. This all happens in a supportive, kind container, alongside other like-hearted ‘little productivity rebels’. If your productivity habits aren’t serving you so well any more, and you’re curious to progress in a way that’s tender and respectful of the unique way you relate to the world - with perfectionism, this course is for you.”
ARE YOU READY TO Reconnect to your body’s natural flow, intelligence and creativity?
Find out how working with Vix can help you.