Ignite Your Audience

Vix Anderton - Speaker, Facilitator + Podcast Guest

I’m an engaging speaker, facilitator, and coach on a mission to empower individuals and organizations to rebel against the status quo and embrace a more vibrant and fulfilling way of being. I combine my expertise in inclusive leadership, authentic communication, holistic wellbeing and embodiment with captivating storytelling to create engaging talks and interactive workshops that spark curiosity, ignite transformation, and equip participants with practical tools for lasting change.

Topics I Love to Share About

My talks, podcast interviews and interactive workshops are designed to equip participants with practical tools and strategies for personal and professional growth.

My Signature Talk: Before You Do Anything, Do Nothing

In this talk, your audience will learn:

  • How to embrace all aspects of themselves, even the parts they thought they never could;

  • A strategy to align with their natural rhythms to create more ease and power in what they do;

  • How to let go of being busy and be more comfortable doing nothing in the spaces in between.

Example topics include, but are not limited to:

  • How to be a Productivity Rebel: Ditch the hustle and cultivate sustainable success through the power of embodiment and self-compassion.

  • Leading Through Crisis: Building Resilience and Fostering Connection in Uncertain Times. 

  • The Embodied Cycle: Aligning Your Energy with the Rhythms of Nature. Learn how to harness the power of cyclical living to create sustainable rhythms for work, life, and wellbeing.

  • The Art of Authentic Communication: Develop the courage and vulnerability to express yourself authentically without blowing up your relationships.

  • From Perfectionism to Purpose: Unravel the layers of perfectionism and step into a more empowered and authentic way of being.

I’ll happily work with you to design a session that meets your needs.

The power of slowing down…

Why Me?

Before you make a decision, do nothing.

My journey has spanned leading teams in high-pressure environments, the entrepreneurial rollercoaster, and now, guiding individuals and organizations on a path to holistic wellbeing and empowered living. This unique blend of experience allows me to:

  • Speak the Language of Leaders: I understand the challenges and opportunities faced by leaders in today's dynamic world.

  • Navigate the Trenches of Entrepreneurship: I’ve mentored seasoned founders and new start-ups. 

  • Bridge the Gap Between Theory and Practice: I weave practical tools and strategies into engaging talks and workshops that spark immediate action.

  • My Passion is Contagious: I bring a captivating energy and storytelling flair to every presentation, leaving your audience inspired and ready to embrace change.

  • Vulnerability is My Superpower: I believe in creating a safe space for open dialogue and shared experiences. My willingness to be vulnerable fosters deeper connection and trust with your audience.

  • The Power of "Both And": I champion a holistic approach that integrates personal wellbeing with professional success, acknowledging we live and work in oppressive systems.

I’m equally as comfortable delivering on stage, on Zoom, or in a tiny room. This won’t be death-by-PowerPoint - in fact, I avoid using PowerPoint as much as possible and instead emphasise participants’ experiential learning.

My rates vary based on audience size, the nature of the organisation, the brief etc. Please email me at vix@vixanderton.com to discuss your needs and ideas.

  • “Vix ran an outstanding workshop as part of our Innovation Award Incubator here at Teach First. Our entrepreneurs benefited from her expertise, tips and practical approach to being able to find balance during very stressful and busy periods”

    — Hannah Jackson, Incubation at Teach First

  • “Vix recently ran a workshop as part of mental health awareness week for us. The workshop was full of not only inspiring takeaways and practical exercises on hacking your energy but fully grounded in research. Her professionalism really shone through the workshop and we received great feedback from the participants.”

    — Sam Edgar, HSBC Digital

  • “What an insightful workshop! Vix came in to do a full day with my accelerator programme and it was one of the most beneficial sessions yet. I left with a clear sense of direction and some great tools that I can not wait to put into practice!”

    — Rebecca

  • “Inspiring. I think many founders get so engrossed in their work they forget about looking after themselves. Really useful ideas. I guess putting them into practice is harder! Knowledgable and I liked the way it was hands-on practical.”

    - Mark Graham, Botprobe

  • “I really enjoyed how Vix made it an interactive session, involving people several times.”

    - Alexandra Wiedermann-Huczek - GenDis

  • “Really thought-provoking and very practical.”

    - Sue Gibson, Elemendar

  • “Enthusiastic and engaging presentation. Wellbeing and mindful productivity aren’t areas I usually consider but I took away a few interesting points.”

    - Andrew Linsday, Cerberus Security Laboratories

  • "I found Vix exceptionally easy to talk to, clear guidance, and it was interactive, she didn't shower us in PowerPoint! Vix helped me to take the time to step back and reflect on myself as a manager, and how I optimise myself and my communications in both work and life"

    - Anne Roberts, CEO

  • “Vix's down-to-earth style was well-appreciated, and her efforts to spark conversations between team members who might not usually interact that much has left a lasting positive effect. Her specific background as a military officer worked well with our team composition but it was clear it would be equally applicable to other teams.
    We would strongly recommend Vix to anyone looking for a more hands-on and personable way to improve their team’s mental wellbeing.”

    - James Stewart, jHub

  • I can’t thank Vix enough for providing us with such valuable training, it is amazing to see our therapists and colleagues coming away feeling so inspired and able to apply new knowledge and thought to their work.

    Vix has done an exceptional job of tailoring the training with therapists in mind, thinking about parts of their work where the training content would apply. Honestly, it has been fantastic.”

    -Foundation of Holistic Therapists

  • “Vix is empathetic, transparent and authentic. My time is valuable and it was well spent with her. She offers a unique perspective and practical tips that you're not likely to think about naturally as a founder.”

    - Andy Hakes, CEO

  • “A very enjoyable experience where I learned a lot, despite the difficult timeslot and high-concept material Vix made it easy to follow and to take part. Not an easy achievement. A useful way to learn about leadership in an implementable fashion. Often management courses are too 'class roomy' and it is hard to implement their complex frameworks. This is built to be immediately put into practice.”

    - John Waite, CEO

CLIENTS I’ve worked with