Keeping It Together


Strategies for Staying Connected Under Pressure

Tools for perfectionists, control freaks, and overachievers
to stay connected, kind and creative, under pressure and stress.

  • Create a personalised, embodied map of the nervous system and find your back to safety.

  • Stay connected to yourself when you're in your head.

  • Communicate kindly and honestly even when you're angry.

Delivered in bite-sized videos and accompanying course booklet with access to an ongoing private Facebook group.

BONUS: includes access to the Keeping It Together Mini-Masterclass (worth £10)

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Strategies for Staying Connected Under Pressure

Tools for perfectionists, control freaks, and overachievers
to stay connected, kind and creative, under pressure and stress.

  • Create a personalised, embodied map of the nervous system and find your back to safety.

  • Stay connected to yourself when you're in your head.

  • Communicate kindly and honestly even when you're angry.

Delivered in bite-sized videos and accompanying course booklet with access to an ongoing private Facebook group.

BONUS: includes access to the Keeping It Together Mini-Masterclass (worth £10)

Strategies for Staying Connected Under Pressure

Tools for perfectionists, control freaks, and overachievers
to stay connected, kind and creative, under pressure and stress.

  • Create a personalised, embodied map of the nervous system and find your back to safety.

  • Stay connected to yourself when you're in your head.

  • Communicate kindly and honestly even when you're angry.

Delivered in bite-sized videos and accompanying course booklet with access to an ongoing private Facebook group.

BONUS: includes access to the Keeping It Together Mini-Masterclass (worth £10)

I'm a recovering perfectionist.

When I'm stressed, when things are going wrong, I pride myself on being able to keep it all together.

I do a pretty good job, especially as I tend to believe that I have to do it all by myself, but it comes at a price.

I bulldoze over my needs, not noticing the signs of hunger or tiredness in my commitment to getting it all done right.

And I cut myself off from the people who care about me, people who would only be too willing to listen and help if only I asked.

The reality of being human means we have to feel safe in order to do anything effectively.

When our nervous system sense cues of warning or danger, we lose our capacity for creativity, curiosity and compassion.

To put it bluntly, we get dumb, conservative and mean.

We disconnect.

In Keeping It Together: Strategies for Staying Connected Under Pressure, you'll learn practical tools to help you stay kind, creative, and connected even when the pressure is on.

The course takes a holistic approach, using embodied tools and practices from authentic relating that emphasise connection as a way back to yourself and to reduce stress. You'll learn to spot the signs of stress and disconnection more quickly, regulate your nervous system under pressure, and develop strategies to not blow up your relationships when you're struggling to keep it all together.

But this isn't just theoretical knowledge. You'll leave with practical tools that you can start using straight away in your life and relationships, and a better understanding of how to manage stress and stay connected to what matters most.


"I feel a greater sense of depth, enrichment, and empowerment after attending the course. It provided me with so much clarity and a holistic understanding of myself, which in turn made me feel way more empowered. I do notice that I'm having my choices way more available; a greater sense of agency throughout my life; while honoring others, all as a result of connecting deeper to myself, thanks to the priceless tools and wisdom shared by Vix and her inspiring and precious presence... and I have more tools to practice than I had expected, which feels exciting and enriching." ~ Arezoo

”Vix's Keeping it Together mini-course is well structured with bite-sized lessons. It's an interesting introduction to the impact of your nervous system on your practical wellbeing and some helpful tools to raise awareness and options in relationships.”

”A nice balance between theoretical concepts and a concrete step-by-step approach to honour our triggers.” ~ VP

”Helpful perspectives and nourishing practices to find equilibrium and stay connected with myself and others day to day.” ~ Andrea

”Vix has changed my view on triggers. I always tried to avoid them and once I had them I would feel a lot of shame. I totally embrace the idea of celebrating my triggers and being curious about them as they are a portal to a deeper understanding of myself. I wish I would have known this earlier. “ ~ Nora Sorensen

Centring - When Life Knocks You Off-Balance
Keeping It Together Mini-Masterclass
Finding Calm