A New Approach to Finally Getting Your Website Done


A 50-minute masterclass, recorded live, to help you get unstuck with your website. You’ll learn how to avoid:

  • procrastinating and distracting yourself by making things more complicated than they need to be

  • getting overwhelmed trying to write everything perfectly the first time 

  • extreme editing that never finishes

  • and abandoning projects after the initial excitement fades

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A 50-minute masterclass, recorded live, to help you get unstuck with your website. You’ll learn how to avoid:

  • procrastinating and distracting yourself by making things more complicated than they need to be

  • getting overwhelmed trying to write everything perfectly the first time 

  • extreme editing that never finishes

  • and abandoning projects after the initial excitement fades

A 50-minute masterclass, recorded live, to help you get unstuck with your website. You’ll learn how to avoid:

  • procrastinating and distracting yourself by making things more complicated than they need to be

  • getting overwhelmed trying to write everything perfectly the first time 

  • extreme editing that never finishes

  • and abandoning projects after the initial excitement fades

Struggling to get your website finished? 

Feel overwhelmed or paralyzed every time you try to write the perfect copy? 

You're not alone. Many recovering perfectionists get stuck in an all-or-nothing cycle that prevents them from making progress.

In this 50-minute masterclass, I’m joined by copywriting coach, Susan Tutt to introduce you to a cyclical approach to creative projects that helps you chip away at big goals in small, doable chunks.

Perfect for coaches, consultants and creative entrepreneurs struggling with writing paralysis and resistance because of old perfectionist habits. 

Learn how to avoid:

  • procrastinating and distracting yourself by making things more complicated than they need to be

  • getting overwhelmed trying to write everything perfectly the first time 

  • extreme editing that never finishes

  • and abandoning projects after the initial excitement fades

In this interactive session, we'll share:

  • An overview of our embodied, intuitive 4-step framework for managing your time and energy on a creative project;

  • Hands-on tips for outlines, drafting, revising, and publishing;

  • A simple writing exercise to experience the difference this approach makes.

You'll come away with a map for how to get unstuck and make consistent progress on your website copy without the usual resistance and burnout. The framework applies to any big creative goal - you'll walk away with strategies not just for your website, but for finally finishing that book, launching an art project, or whatever your dream.

You’ll have a structure to help you discern when good enough is good enough and how to regain your motivation when a project has stalled.

Please note that this masterclass was recorded live and occasionally references a course we launched after the workshop.

What Others Say

“I love the way Vix and Susan were able to break down the website writing process and frame it in a way that helps you to let go of frustration with yourself or your writing. As it turns out, a writing project goes through phases that are a natural part of a creative cycle, and you just have to let each phase play out their role in the process.”

“Vix and Susan have created a supportive framework for tackling and succeeding at the challenging process of creating a website.” ~ Kelli Schonher

“Working with Vix enabled me to find ways of getting stuff done that’s more in tune with my working preferences and energy levels, rebalancing my working patterns from should/must do chores to effortless, enjoyable flow." ~ Jacqueline H.

"I cannot recommend this enough for anyone who tends to be hard on themselves and long for some tenderness and spacious holding in the midst of it all.” ~ Simona

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