A Recovering Perfectionist's Guide to Getting Stuff Done


A 45-minute masterclass, recorded live, to learn the obstacles to and principles of getting stuff done in a way that feels authentic, creative and effective. You'll learn actionable practices you can start to use straight away to get unstuck and get some momentum on the tasks that matter most to you.

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A 45-minute masterclass, recorded live, to learn the obstacles to and principles of getting stuff done in a way that feels authentic, creative and effective. You'll learn actionable practices you can start to use straight away to get unstuck and get some momentum on the tasks that matter most to you.

A 45-minute masterclass, recorded live, to learn the obstacles to and principles of getting stuff done in a way that feels authentic, creative and effective. You'll learn actionable practices you can start to use straight away to get unstuck and get some momentum on the tasks that matter most to you.

Do you recognise this vicious cycle?

You’re stuck being on, overcommitted, always busy, constantly in action mode and under pressure…


you’re bogged down, procrastinating, indecisive and not putting yourself out there?

If that's you, chances are
- it's burning you out
- it's sucking the joy and creativity out of you
- you're not achieving the success you desire (which, if you're honest, isn't well-defined and is mostly a sense of just “better”).

You're realising that perfectionism might be the driver. You can't shake the feeling of never quite being good enough and believe there's always room for improvement. You're tired of trying to do it all "right" and not trusting yourself to get there.

You're Not Alone in Being Stuck

This 45-minute masterclass (recorded live) is the first step to learning the obstacles to and principles of getting stuff done in a way that feels authentic, creative and effective. You'll learn actionable practices you can start to use straight away to get unstuck and get some momentum on the tasks that matter most to you.

The masterclass covers:
- how to stay focused on what matters to you
- why standard productivity advice is counter-productive for overachievers, overthinkers and recovering perfectionists
- how to deal with an over-zealous inner critic
- the best way to deal with procrastination (hint: it's not to beat yourself up for being lazy)
- how to harness the power of your creative cycle

I’ve had my own battles with this cycle of stuckness since I burnt out 5 years ago and started working for myself. I was working in a job I loved, giving more and more yet never feeling I was doing enough. I thought being self-employed would make it all better but I continued to find myself in this pattern of my perfectionism keeping me stuck on or stuck procrastinating.

With no one to tell when good enough is good enough, I’ve found myself doing more and more and getting more and more stressed out. And there have been times I’ve put off getting started on bringing an idea to life because it never felt quite ready
It wasn’t for lack of trying.

I read all the books, I went to therapy, and I tried lots of different practices. It would work for a while and I would find myself staring my perfectionism in the face again. On those days, I felt like a bigger failure. I felt perpetually and hopelessly stuck. I felt that I had to figure it out on my own - that I couldn’t engage in courses or programmes until I had done all the healing work myself and I was fixed. Then I’d be ready.

What I've learnt along the way, what I now teach, is that forcing myself to be creative doesn't work in the long run. It's time to find an alternative to the endless hustle mindset that pushes us to be in action mode no matter how we feel and tells us our body’s resistance is simply a sign of weakness in our minds. That's an approach to work that ‘makes sense’ yet feels terrible because it doesn't work in practice.

What People Say

"A very useful and heartful conversation about how you can commit to your life without whipping yourself because of your perfectionism. Structured, light, practical and warm. Thanks, Vix, for sharing your wisdom.” ~ Florentina

"There's an embodied difference, one of acceptance, relief and purpose, that stems from the insights and permission slip to look at productivity and procrastination in a new light.” ~ Deepak

"I really enjoyed A Recovering Perfectionist's Guide to Getting Stuff Done. It was informative without being overwhelming and, despite saying there is nothing new here that she will be talking about, there were a few things for me that made me stop and go, ooh yeah! It reframed how to approach productivity, with tenderness and honouring & with some structure of how to bring this into my own life.” ~ Elestren

“Vix really helps you connect with knowledge, frameworks and practical advice for topics that are often so close to us that we might feel paralysed. She is an amazing communicator and facilitator, and a brilliant energy to lead you along your journey.” ~ Andy J.

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