Finding Calm


Essential Tools to Reduce Stress and Create Breathing Space

For Stressed Out Overachievers, Overthinkers and Recovering Perfectionists

Simple, practical tools to create some breathing space so you can focus on what's really important to you when overwhelm threatens to overwhelm you.

This course will give you tools to bring yourself back to the present moment and reduce overwhelm and chaos. It will help you find the mental space to respond, rather than react, to the world.

Delivered in bitesize videos totalling an hour of watch time and accompanying course booklet.

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Essential Tools to Reduce Stress and Create Breathing Space

For Stressed Out Overachievers, Overthinkers and Recovering Perfectionists

Simple, practical tools to create some breathing space so you can focus on what's really important to you when overwhelm threatens to overwhelm you.

This course will give you tools to bring yourself back to the present moment and reduce overwhelm and chaos. It will help you find the mental space to respond, rather than react, to the world.

Delivered in bitesize videos totalling an hour of watch time and accompanying course booklet.

Essential Tools to Reduce Stress and Create Breathing Space

For Stressed Out Overachievers, Overthinkers and Recovering Perfectionists

Simple, practical tools to create some breathing space so you can focus on what's really important to you when overwhelm threatens to overwhelm you.

This course will give you tools to bring yourself back to the present moment and reduce overwhelm and chaos. It will help you find the mental space to respond, rather than react, to the world.

Delivered in bitesize videos totalling an hour of watch time and accompanying course booklet.

We all have times when overwhelm threatens to overwhelm us; life feels like it's spinning out of control and we want to get back on top of things. You can’t control much of what’s happening around you, but you CAN learn to stay steady in the midst of it. This collection of simple embodied techniques and practices will help you find your centre and a bit of calm to get you through a tough time.

When your emotions are running high and everything feels intense, use the tools you’ll learn in this Tiny Course to help you catch your breath and recognise what you need to do next. 

Does this sound like you? 

  • You're overwhelmed about the things you need to do at the time and don't know where to start and how to prioritise;

  • You need to find your centre and a bit of calm, peace or space to get you through a tough time;

  • You're finding it challenging to stay grounded, balancing work pressures with the rest of your life, or you're feeling anxious about something;

  • Life feels like it's spinning out of control and you want to get back on top of things.

  • You want to be able to choose to be your best self, even when things are challenging

What this course gives you

  • Simple, practical tools to create some breathing space so you can focus on what's really important to you.  

  • Embodied techniques to reconnect with your natural intelligence, creativity, energy and empathy.

  • Practical ways to get clear on your priorities and make your workload more manageable so you can turn doubt, procrastination and overwhelm in creativity, inspiration and flow.

What you receive when you enrol

  • Immediate access to the 6 tiny video lessons with a total watch time of about an hour

  • An accompanying course booklet with all the key points and practices to refer to

  • Guided practices you can download and listen to wherever you are

  • Guidance on how to integrate these tools so they’re available when you need them most


  • Nervous System 101 - understand the basics of how your nervous system responds to stress and why.

  • How do you know if you’re stressed - learn how you do stress in your body to spot the signs and start to regulate more quickly.

  • 3 Ways to Calm Down Fast - practice 3 quick tools to regulate your nervous system.

  • Ways to Start Well - practical tools to help make overwhelm less likely.

  • Finding More Calm - tools and techniques to help you reset and get the day back on track when it all gets too much.

  • Ending Well - understand the power of ending well to change your relationship to a stressful day.


"An invitation to be more present, an encouragement to listen to your body and a lovely voice to calm your mind. I find many practices in this toolkit so simple yet powerful. This is exactly what you need when you're overwhelmed." — Tugba Kirhan

"This will definitely help decrease my stress levels and be more mindful. The not-to-do list has helped me stay focused on my important tasks more than anything I had tried before. Thank you!" — Yvonne

“I felt an invitation towards being more present. The practices lead me to be more aware of myself, my body and my heart.I liked the variety of tools and practices but not so many that I felt overwhelmed.” — Martina

Terms & Conditions

Please read carefully so you understand the terms of purchase. 

This course is offered as ‘self-study’ and does not include any email access to me for personalised guidance. If you would like to be able to ask me questions, you can explore ways to work with me after completing the course.

Purchases are final. There are no refunds if you decide you don’t like the course or you expected something different. Please read this sales page fully to avoid any misunderstandings about what is being covered and what is included.

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