Celebrating Summer

Whoop! We made it - there were times there I really didn't think we would but we are here....the Summer Solstice (or the Winter Solstice for my dear friends in the southern hemisphere - I will be focusing on the Summer Solstice today and you can still bring some of that summer energy into the depths of winter).

The Summer Solstice is the peak of our expressive and expansive selves. It is known as the Festival of Attainment - it's a time to enjoy and celebrate what you have, who are, and what you have achieved so far this year. The longest day of the year, it also celebrates the return to the dark, inner cycle of the years. In the midst of the heat and light, we can also acknowledge the potency or the nurturing and receptive nature of the darkness and the balance this brings

This time of celebration is powerful for us overachievers and recovering perfectionists, because we are so often moving onto the next thing before the paint has had time to dry on the last. As soon as I get one thing done, I've immediately reset the goalposts and I'm focused on the next goal. And it can be exhausting.

So, this Solstice, I invite you to take some time to celebrate.

  • Get outside in the evening. Drink up the long evenings with an evening walk. Spend some time sitting and enjoying the warmth and light.

  • Acknowledge your achievements. Thinking back to the last solstice in December, what are you celebrating? What have you achieved? What have you learnt? Take some time to journal with these questions and tune into the where you feel a sense of a job well done in your body. If your inner critic pops up and starts jabbering about all the things you haven't done, thank it for showing up! It's a little early and it has an important role. Right now, you're focusing on what you have done and then let that voice go as much as you can.

  • Embrace the energy of expansion and expression. The summer isn't over yet! The Solstice might be an acknowledgement of the returning dark but winter is still a long way off. Thinking ahead to the next solstice in December, what are you hopeful for? What would you still like to create and manifest?

  • Celebrate the fire. Fire is the element of summer so light a celebratory fire - this could be a bonfire outdoors or a simple candle inside. On small pieces of paper, write down what you're grateful for and speak the words out loud as you offer the paper to the fire (if doing this inside, make sure you're somewhere safe with a bowl of water for the ashes). Then repeat this time offering up what you're letting go of. Express yourself fully so you're ready to move on into the next phase of the year.

  • Dance. A celebration wouldn't be complete without dancing so put on your favourite tunes and let your body move in celebration of all that you are.

Most of all, enjoy this time of expansion, expression and freedom however that feels for you right now. It’s been a tough year and we deserve to celebrate too.


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