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Authentic Relating

Fridays 2.00 - 3.30pm at radiantly alive ubud

Authentic Relating gives you a playbook for how to begin relating on an authentic level in any relationship: romantic partnerships, families, roommates, friends, community groups, teams, and clientele.

This class is a great way to improve your relating skills, make new friends, and have fun.

Slow down and connect more deeply first to yourself. Practice skills to cultivate deep connections with others through games and exercises in pairs, small groups and the whole group. Learn skills to build a sense of trust, empathy, and care and to communicate healthy boundaries with the people in your life. This class is open to everyone

165.000 IDR

Uncover Your Authentic Self

Wednesday 17th JULY 2.00-5.00pm at radiantly alive ubud

Seeking alignment with your deepest self? Want to close the gap between your inner and outer world? Join us for a workshop on authentic living.

Through embodiment practices, authentic relating games, and self-inquiry, uncover and courageously express your true self.

Explore what authenticity means to you. Embrace all aspects of yourself. Speak and act from your heart's integrity.

Shed expectations. Listen within. Allow your truth to rise.

Experience the lightness of being fully yourself. Feel the power of living by your own definition of purpose.

Forget playing it safe. Rediscover your inner compass. Let it guide you home.

Normal price: 450.000 IDR
Early bird price: 300.000 IDR | Valid until 3oth June
Advanced booking recommended

Menstrual Magic

Wednesday 5th June 2.00-5.00pm at radiantly alive ubud

Unlock your inner power and magic by embracing your innate cyclical nature.

Gain insight into transforming your relationship with discomfort, cultivating self-love, boosting creativity across your cycle's phases, and revolutionise your self-care. Through guided self-discovery, learn to align productivity with your body's rhythms, nourish yourself during reflective times, and harness energy during dynamic periods. Join us as we explore sustainable, cyclical living that celebrates the symphony of your menstrual cycle's ebbs and flows.

Rewrite your story and reclaim your rhythm.

Normal price: 450.000 IDR
Early bird price: 300.000 IDR | Valid until 2nd June
Advanced booking recommended

Reimagining Resilience

Wednesday 1st May 2.00-5.00pm at radiantly alive ubud

What if real transformation comes not from doing more, but being more?

Through the power of presence, we reconnect with our essence. We realise we are - and always have been - fundamentally whole, inherently complete. Wholeness is not something to attain, but to reveal. Enoughness is not something to acquire, but to remember.

Through authentic relating exercises, group circles, and embodied practices, you’ll:

  • Settle your nervous system into a grounded, tranquil state

  • Connect more deeply with your emotions and patterns

  • Express your authentic self, even when it feels scary

  • Listen with care, empathy and understanding

Wholeness is closer than you think. Presence is the path.

Normal price: 450.000 IDR
Early bird price: 300.000 IDR | Valid until 28th April
Advanced booking recommended

Authentic Relating: The ART of Being Human Level 1

Welcome to the ART of Being Human Level 1: Embodiment Edition - a two-day immersion into the practices of Authentic Relating and embodiment.

Imagine being yourself and speaking your truth at any moment in your life. Imagine having grace under fire in times of discomfort, conflict, or stress. Imagine building connections and relationships that are resilient and designed to last.

The Authentic Relating Training Level 1 is a unique and profound course that helps refine communication skills and deepen human connections across all social contexts, from the workplace to the living room, from strangers to partners, and everyone in between. The curriculum is designed using the most innovative and effective relational practices available to deliver a life-changing experience that deepens with practice.

We will practice accessible, adoptable, and engaging techniques that you can apply to your life with immediate results. Transform conflict into ease, experience communication as a doorway into presence, discover ways to increase aliveness in your relationships with yourself and others, and exercise tools that help you be seen, known, and heard for who you really are.

This course is for those who want depth, intimacy, and aliveness in their relationships with themselves, others, and the world.

28-29 June 2024
24-25 August 2024

price: $395

Trauma-informed facilitation skills

Take your teaching and facilitation skills to a whole new level by integrating embodied, relational, trauma-informed practices.

This experiential 3-day training will equip you with the tools to confidently create safe, powerful, and inclusive learning experiences for your students. Integrate trauma-informed practices with your existing expertise to foster deeper connections and empower participants to explore and grow.

This training goes beyond basic "trauma awareness" by weaving together cutting-edge knowledge on the nervous system's response to trauma with powerful embodied relational facilitation techniques. Through experiential, embodied, and collaborative learning, you'll explore how to create a safe and supportive environment, fostering deeper connections and personal exploration within your classes and workshops. You'll leave with practical tools, techniques, and interventions to cultivate a more trauma-informed approach in your current offerings, regardless of the modality or field you work in.

This training integrates opportunities to practice and embody trauma-informed facilitation skills through interactive exercises and peer feedback. You'll refine your facilitation approach and confidently integrate trauma-informed principles in your own style.

31 October - 2nd November 2024

price: $595


on-demand at radiantly alive, ubud

Connect with Your Inner Wisdom

Somatic coaching helps you reconnect with the intuitive wisdom within your body to find new perspectives, step out of old patterns, and make empowered choices.

If you feel disconnected from your body and desensitized to yourself and the people and world around you, somatic coaching will help you relearn how to connect with this deep well of intuition and wisdom.

It allows you to access your body’s natural intelligence and gain a new perspective when your particular way of being smart has hit a wall, and you’re stuck in old patterns of thinking and behavior.

To put it simply, somatic coaching is less about thinking your way through a problem and more about feeling your way through. It’s a ‘bottom-up’ approach rather than a ‘top-down’ way of dealing with challenges.

Somatic coaching wakes up your innate human capacity for choice. Once you are aware of what you are doing as you do it, you have the opportunity to choose among the various options of what to do and how to do it.

Reimagine | $200 USD
A 90-minute somatic coaching session
Get the ball rolling with embodied awareness around an immediate dilemma or life transition.